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Friday, April 8, 2011

Link of The Week: 500 Photographers

500 photographers is an excellent weblog that posts 5 active photographers a week for 100 weeks. The photographers can be from any discipline within the photographic range, but they have to be worth looking at and have a certain level of quality.

500 photographers is a bolg byPieter Wisse - a photographer himself based in Rotterdam, NL and owner of Four Eyes Photography & Art Gallery.

Smedia Awards

Well done to Noel Phelan (2nd Year) who was shortlisted for the Photography section of the SMedia awards this week.

Friday, April 1, 2011

1st Year Theme: "Life""

This is a task allocated to the year one students at the beginning of February. Each student was asked to produce an image, or a series of images, which relates to the theme ‘Life'. The task had no set criteria, it was not graded, not directed to any great degree, and was open to the students interpretation of what the term or the theme ‘Life' encapsulates. A brief discussion about the possibilities of how to conceptualize the theme, plus a few suggestions of photographers to look at, was the only imput from the tutor.

With this task we were not concerned with technical limitations – the work could be taken on a disposable camera, and i-phone or any available medium. However, the image needed to be ‘somehow’ meaningful, to connect to the theme and form the basis of discussion. The theme itself is wide open:'Life' could suggest both negative and positive connotations; it could relate to society or the inner world; it could signify natural biological cycles or the great wrestle of life. There is a necessity, however, for each student to justify their image as it relates to a particular aspect of the theme. The work was, again, selected by a ‘jury’ of 2nd year students who selected the work on two levels – firstly on aesthetic merits, secondly the work which for them connects to the theme. Presented here is a selection of the jury’s favourites.

Images:c.Theresa Moynes; c.Laura Byrne; c.Fergal OSullivan; c.Tony Kidd; c.Sandra Cobos Gonzalez; c.Mel OReilly; c.Mary Kate Hanlon